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* Default sort by availability
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Customer Service
How can I place an order?
Whether you click or call, we make sure your order is our top priority.
Online: Convenient ordering is available through our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Online orders placed after 5pm PST will be processed the following business day.
By Phone: Call us at (800) 350-4568 Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 5:00pm PST.
By Fax: Send orders to (661) 294-9602.
What if I need more information?
We do our best to make sure you can find all the information you need at all times right here on our website. We also know that sometimes you are looking for a bit more insight on a product, which is why our knowledgeable staff is available Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm PST for all your needs. Give us a call at (800) 350-4568 or email us at clientservices@amtouch.com .
How do I get my free goods?
Our truly simple redemption process really is just that. Once you have chosen your free goods, they will appear in your cart with either a $0.00 price or no price at all. They will also appear this way on your order confirmation so you know exactly what to expect in your shipment. We take care of the redemption paperwork and your free goods are shipped out to you. Most free goods will ship with your order, but some may arrive separately from the manufacturer in a few weeks.
What forms of payment are accepted?
We gladly accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express for all orders. Standard terms are available upon approved credit. To request terms and credit approval please contact us at (800) 350-4568 or customerservice@amtouch.com .
What are my shipping options?
Our goal is to ship your order the same business day that it is placed. We also offer a variety of delivery methods for your convenience. Shipping methods may differ based on your delivery address and handling fees may apply. However, we are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes. Once your order has been processed, you may track it here . Please find the various shipping methods we offer below.
UPS Ground ( service map )
Customer Pickup
Next Day Air Early AM - Next day by 8:30am
Next Day Air - Next day between 10:30am - 12:30pm
Next Day Air Saver - Next day by end of day
2nd Day AM - 2nd day by 10:30am
2nd Day Air EOD - 2nd day by end of day
3rd Day EOD - 3rd day by end of day
What if I ordered something that is out of stock?
No problem! We will automatically send you your items as soon as they are available. You will also receive a shipping confirmation so you know exactly which items are on their way. All of our out of stock items are labeled on our site and on your order confirmation. You may also select the "Watch this Product" option if you prefer to have one of our Client Service Specialists notify you when the item becomes available.
What is the return policy?
Sometimes things just don't work out. If you need to return or exchange an item, please call (800) 350-4568. You will be asked to provide us with the invoice number, date of purchase and reason for return. We will provide you with an RMA#, which must be marked on the individual boxes being returned (items may not be returned without an RMA#). Credit or exchange of merchandise is offered within 30 days of product purchase. A restocking fee may apply upon merchandise inspection.
What if I have a question about my account or invoice?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your account or an invoice you have received, please feel free to email us at AR@amtouch.com . You may also call us at (800) 350-4568 Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 5:00pm PST.
What is your pricing policy?
Amtouch is proud to offer exceptional savings and competitive pricing everyday. We make every effort to honor our low pricing for the term of our catalog, however we may occasionally make adjustments based on manufacturer price increases or typographical errors. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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